Genital Region Aesthetics

Genital Region Aesthetics; labioplasty, the outer third of the vagina, the pubis (the region above the vagina) and the excessive rearrangement of fat in the leg includes the surgical re-arrangement.
Labialar (Lips)
Many women complain that their labia are large and drooping. The operation will not affect the sexual function but the patient will be psychologically happy. This lips when the clitoris is larger than normal for the delay of orgasm and the desire to decrease may also cause functional. May cause pain during intercourse. When labialarine is smaller than normal and loose, they are normal, tense and younger with fat transfer. These are daily surgical interventions with simple and local anesthesia. Occasionally there is excessive lubrication in the legs and in the upper part of the vagina called pubis. In this case, it is corrected with liposuction.
Labia Minor Sags
Large and drooping inner lips (Labia Minor) are disturbing the aesthetic appearance of the outer lips to overflow and outward asymmetrically disturbing the patients. Many women are uncomfortable with hanging out and do not want to be seen by their partners. It also discomfort while doing sports and wearing pants. This condition is corrected by a simple surgical procedure and the drooping inner lips regain their normal appearance.
Labia Major Loosening And Sagging
As in small lips, large and sagging large lips can be reduced under local anesthesia. In addition, due to the law of the interior and the sagging of drooping and the reduction in the fullness of fat is also corrected with the transfer of fat tissue and the large lips again to ensure that the full and tight.
Vulvar Lipoplasty
The contours of the vulva area, which are caused by the accumulation of excess fat in the upper part of the vagina and the upper part of the vagina called the pubis, can be corrected by local anesthesia by simple liposuction procedures as a daily surgical procedure.
With the help of vaginal renewal surgeries performed in combination with abdominal abdomen stretching operations, this area is stretched and involuntary urinary incontinence is greatly improved when performing activities such as laughing, sneezing, coughing, sports or daily housework.
Abdominal stretching with the vaginal area stretching downwards and dangling due to birth or leaning is stretched and comes back to where it was.
The clitoris is not the only organ of orgasm. The other orgasm area is the perineal region of the pubococcygeous and transverse muscles. Vaginal renewal is the normal point of the Grafenberg point (point G) located in the upper part of this region.
Surgical treatments are usually performed under local anesthesia as daily surgical procedures. Does not require hospitalization. Patients may return to normal daily activities within 1-7 days and sexual intercourse is released after 3 to 8 weeks depending on the technique of surgery.