
It started to be implemented in Brazil in 1995. Lipolysis of various fat-melting drug mixtures into fat tissue with very fine needles is called lipolysis. The FDA-approved method is commonly applied in Europe and the USA.
It is used in the treatment of excess fat in the body. Phosphatidylcholine breaks down the membrane of the fat cell and circulates the contents to provide regional weakening. Thinning begins to be visible 3 weeks after injection and continues until the eighth week. It is very successful in waist, leg, knee, tickle, arm, back and belly area.
Oil intake during treatment should be restricted and water intake should be increased.
Alcohol intake is not recommended for 3 days after injection.
If the patient is overweight, weight loss should be ensured.
The amount of medication used and the number of sessions vary by individual.
It can be administered once every 1-3 weeks or every 4 weeks.
Pain, temperature increase and regional edema occur 1 - 3 days after the application.
In the following days, thinning begins in 2 to 3 weeks and continues until the 2nd month.
In the case of weight gain again, the lubrication is less in the applied areas.