Face Lift

Before deciding on Facelift surgery, you can discuss with your plastic surgeon whether you need additional surgery on your neck and / or jaw area with facial surgery. Many patients also demand the use of face and neck oil absorption -liposuction methods. For best results, it may be necessary to correct several areas. It is very important that you choose a specialist and experienced plastic surgeon. At the first examination, your plastic surgeon will evaluate your facial areas separately and determine the skin structure, skin color and elastic properties. Photos that will be taken will then help your plastic surgeon to work on it. Your risk factors such as high blood pressure, smoking habits, tendency to clot, and coagulation characteristics will be questioned. Your surgeon will ask for your medical history and will have an idea about your psychological and psychological structure. As you have realistic expectations in order for the operation to be successful, your plastic surgeon will make explanations about the initiatives and expectations you will apply.
When you decide on the surgery and the techniques to be applied together with your plastic surgeon, you will be informed about the anesthesia technique, additional interventions, the risks and the risks of the operation, the hospital and the budget.
Surgical incisions start from the temple region, and are stored under the ear canal and under the ear canal, under the earlobe and from the ear to the scalp. Your plastic surgeon takes the excess fat after stretching the muscles and connective tissues beneath the skin, stretching the skin and removing excess surplus from the incision lines. Traces will be stored in natural facial lines.
After removing the skin excesses, the incisions are closed with fine and elegant sutures. It is not necessary to shorten or shave hair during surgery. The procedure is normally completed in 3 to 5 hours. A light pressure dressing and dressing is applied at the end of the operation.
Although a mild pain may occur after surgery, this can be controlled by oral painkillers. Some swelling and bruising are normal and are minimized by cold compress applications. Pressure dressings and dressings are opened the day after surgery. Your plastic surgeon will advise you to keep your head elevated, restrict your activities, and ask you to report any complaints. Although face lift operations are performed in large numbers, there are some risks as well as every surgical procedure.
Drains placed after operations are taken within 24 hours, sutures are removed within 5 to 7 days. Postoperative support for the family and friends will help.
If the recovery is completed in 2-3 weeks, the person can return to work within 10 days. Traces become mature after a certain period of time. Traces hidden on the natural facial lines can also be camouflaged with the macro. The sensation of tension felt immediately after the operation will decrease within weeks. It should also be kept in mind that aging continues in your life after surgery.
Touchdowns or extensive interventions may be re-done to improve the quality of the patients who had previously undergone plastic surgery for the face, eye area and neck. Stretching processes for the second or third time on aging faces continue to be underestimated in the world.