
Liposuction Body shaping with liposuction is the technique of relieving excess fat deposits collected locally. With this technique, the arms, knee, lower leg, body, back, breast, neck, chin, and more often hips, outer thighs, inner thighs, front thighs, hip sides and fat deposits in the abdomen are removed and these areas are given new shape. The surgical meetings were performed by shaping the fat meetings in the body until the year before. The result is unwanted scars, which makes patients unhappy. By entering through small holes, the removal of the oil by vacuum, thus correcting the shape of the body, has revolutionized plastic surgery. The development of an uncomplicated and, therefore, untraceable method has made patients and doctors very happy.
If you are thinking about liposuction, the first step a person should take is to consult a plastic surgeon. The patient should openly discuss his expectations of good posture and well-being after keeping in mind that the desired result is correction, not perfection.
One of the most important factors that must be determined before any plastic surgery is the emotional balance. Liposuction can improve the shape of your body lines but cannot change your way of life. Aesthetic surgery can improve your appearance and reassure yourself, but the rest depends on you.
Liposuction is not a method that can be applied instead of weight loss that can be achieved through diet and exercise, nor is it a cure for obesity. It is a suitable surgical technique for carefully evaluated and selected cases. Your surgeon may recommend an operation in which you replace the liposuction with or with the skin and fat tissue removed (Dermolipectomy).
The secret to the success of body shaping by liposuction lies in the removal of fat cells and fat receptors (around 50%) along with the oils absorbed by this technique so that no excess fat can be collected in these regions. When planning the body shaping, it is one of the most important approaches to success in evaluating all of the regional fat collection foci and including all of them in the regions where liposuction will be performed.
You should be aware of the potential risks associated with surgery and the specific challenges associated with liposuction (eg, a second operation may be required in cases with excess fat). Postoperative complications such as infection or localized blood accumulation are not common and can be treated. The risk of complications can be reduced by following your surgeon's recommendations during follow-up.
Removal of fat in liposuction
Dry technical
Wet technical (age technical)
Superwet technique (very wet technique)
The unit can be made in four ways: technical.
Liposuction is now performed by superwets and integrative techniques. By means of these methods, fluids and drugs are given to the body, and there is no bleeding, pain, and fat cells are much more easily absorbed.
Liposuction, weight and body structure is applied in relatively close to normal conditions to dilute the hip, hips, thighs, abdomen and waist. With these changes, removal of fats in the arms, thighs, knees, breast, and under the chin can often be performed in the same surgery.
The scope of the method depends on the desired changes and what your surgeon considers appropriate. According to your surgeon's recommendation, you can be operated out-patient or hospitalized in the outpatient center.
Liposuction can be performed under local anesthesia where the area to be treated is anesthetized or under general anesthesia. Medication is given to alleviate tension before anesthesia. Sedative local anesthetics will allow you to be comfortable during surgery. If general anesthesia is applied, you will sleep during the surgery. The operation is approximately 0.3 cm. begins with the incision. A thin tubular cannula incision with blunt ends and small holes near the tip is displaced. The outer end is connected to the absorbent unit. The surgeon uses the cannula in the subcutaneous tissue, separating the amount of fat to be removed. The high vacuum pressure is created and the oil is sucked out. Sometimes an extra incision may be required to provide transportation to remove all undesirable fat deposits. It is closed with a few sutures, leaving small and often hidden hairs.
In order to accelerate the pulling of the skin to the shape of the underlying tissue following the surgery, a bandage can be applied to the ones with non-sagged skin and elastic bandages in the others. Special corsets are used for three weeks with this method, which provides tight pressure to reduce rot and swelling in the surgical field. Depending on the extent of the operation, the procedure can take from 45 minutes to 3 hours or even longer.
A few days after surgery